Discover how much it costs to renovate your bathroom in Canberra or Queanbeyan.

How Much A Bathroom Renovation Costs

As with all construction pricing depends upon a multitude of factors specfific to each bathroom, however there are some basic ball park costs we can provide here to allow you to get a basic understanding of the costs involved.

The vast majority of ensuite & bathroom renovations usually cost between $38,000 - $55,000.

This is a total cost including labour & standard materials.

A simple ensuite renovation where the existing bathroom is stripped out & new tiles & fittings are installed to replace existing (a basic facelift, so to speak) will be at the lower end of the scale ($38,000- $45,000). If there are some relocating of fittings or drainage in the bathroom you should expect the higher end of this scale ($45,000-$60,000)

Additional factors that may increase the cost of a renovation are:

  • Removal of asbestos
  • Relocating drainage, especially in concrete,
  • Removing or adding walls
  • Changing doors, including cavity sliding doors
  • Electrical work
  • Replacing or adding windows
  • Under-Tile heating
  • ACTPLA inspections & fees including drawing of new drainage plans
  • Design services for bespoke bathrooms
  • Upmarket product selection
  • Adding additional rooms such as laundries

If your renovation includes a number of the points above, it's likely the cost could go above the above estimates. Obviously all renovations are different & here at The Bathroom Company we are happy to come out to discuss your individual requirements with you & provide a specific quote for your particular renovation.

How we build

Our Process

Expert Craftmanship


At The Bathroom Company, our consultation process is designed to be approachable and focused on your needs.

When you meet with our consultants, Andrew or Jayde, they will take the time to listen and understand exactly what you want for your new bathroom. With their extensive experience in various types of bathroom renovations, including those for ex-government houses, elderly individuals, people with disabilities, and families with children, they will offer ideas and suggestions to help you achieve your personal vision for the renovation. Rest assured that our consultants prioritize your requirements and goals throughout this process.


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